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Mazmur 23 (sebuah bahan PA)

      TUHAN Adalah Gembalaku (Mazmur 23)
Gembala di Palestina mempunyai cara kerja yang belainan daripada cara kerja di negeri kita. Kandang domba di Palestina berisikan sejumlah kawanan domba; dan ketika pagi tiba setiap gembala memisahkan dombanya dari domba lain dengan panggilan khas mereka. Kemudian dia memimpin mereka dalam kelompok. Kemanapun mereka pergi, gembala mendahului mereka. Kemudian dia memimpin mereka dalam kelompok. Kemanapun mereka pergi, gembala mendahului mereka ke tempat yang cukup air dan melindungi dari kemungkinan bahaya yang muncul. Bangsa Israel menghayati bahwa ALLAH adalah seperti gembala, khususnya ketika mereka keluar dari Mesir menuju tanah Kanaan.

Dalam perikop ini kita akan belajar menghayati TUHAN sebagai gembala seperti pandangan sang pemazmur.

Pertanyaan Pengantar
  1. Di dalam memandang pribadi ALLAH, bagaimana selama ini Saudara lebih sering memposisikannya? Apakah sebagai bapak, ibu, tuan, pesuruh atau yang lain? Sharingkan!
  2. a. Pemazmur menghayati relasinya dengan ALLAH seperti seekor domba dengan gembala. Apa saja yang dilakukan Sang Gembala terhadap domba-domba-Nya yang digambarkan dalam Mazmur ini?
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  3. Jelaskan maknanya satu per satu! (lihat NIV note) 
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    NIV Note: 
    2-4 the image of “shepered” arouses emotion of care, provision, and protection. A good shepered is personally concerned with the welfare of his sheep. Becouse of this the designation “my shepered” is futher described by various aspects of God’s care: “he makes me lie down ... he leads ... he restores ... he guides”, and by the resulting tranquility, “I will fear no evil.” The shepered’s care is symbolized by the “rod” and the “staff.” A shepered carried a rod to club wild animals and staff to keep the sheep in control. These two represent God’s constant vigilance over his own and bring “comfort” (GK H5714) becouse of his personal presence and involvement with his sheep. The “green pastures” are the rich and verdant pastures, where the sheep need not move from place to place to be satisfied. The fields, even parts of desert, would green during the winter and spring. But in summer and fall the sheep would be led to many places in search of food. God’s care is not seasonal but constan and abundant. The sheep have time to rest, as the shepered makes them to “lie down”. The “quiet waters” are the wells and springs where the the sheep can drink without being rushed. Through these means, God renews the sheep so that they feel life in his presence is good and worth living. The word “soul” in v.4 denotes the same as “me” in v. 2, i.e., “he restores me.” The nature of the shepered’s care also lies in guidance. He leads his own in the “path of righteousness. “Righteousness” (GK H7406) here signifies “right” in the sense of “straight,” i.e., the path that bring the sheep most directly to their destination. He does not unnecessarily tire out his sheep. Even when the “right paths” bring the sheep “through the valey of shadow of death,” there is no need to fear. The idiom “shadow of death” portrays as deep shadow or as deep darkness. This imagery is consistent with the shepered methapor becouse the shepered leads the flock through ravines and wadis where the steep and narrow slopes keep out the light. The darkness of wadis represents the uncertainty of life. The “straight paths” at times need to go through the wadis, but God is still present. The shepered who guides is always with the sheep. The presence and guidance of the Lord go together. He is bound by his name (“for his name’s sake”) to be present with his people (cf. The meaning of “LORD” in Ex 3:12) 
    b. Bagaimana tindakan-tindakan Gembala tersebut terwujud dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita sebagai domba-domba-Nya? Sharingkan contoh-contoh kongkrit yang Saudara alami! ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................
  1. Dalam budaya Timur Dekat kuno, jika seorang raja adidaya sedang menerima raja kerajaan kecil, sekutunya, maka akan diadakan suatu jamuan makan yang meriah sebagai ikatan persahabatan. Dalam konteks ini, pemazmur sedang merayakan kemenangan atas musuh-musuh yang tidak mungkin dapat ditaklukkan olehnya jika tanpa pertolongan sang raja besar. Sang pemazmur menghayati bahwa Gembala Agung Surgawi selalu menerima dirinya dalam perjamuan makan dihadapan lawan-lawannya.
    a. Hal apa yang dilakukan sang tuan rumah kepada tamunya? Jelaskan maknanya (lihat NIV note)
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    NIV Note  
    5 The Lord is the host at a banquet “table” laden with food and drink. Before entering the banquet hall, an ancient host would anoint the honored guest with oil made by adding perfumes to olive oil. The overflowing “cup” symbolizes the care and provisions God, previously represented by “green gastures” and “quiet waters.” Moreover, the Lord vindicates his servant “in the presence of [his] enemies,” expessing both the adversities of life as well as God’s love toward his own. In this presence of God, the guests forget their troubles and tears. 
    b. Bagaimana gambaran Tuhan sebagai tuan rumah (raja besar) ini teralami dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Saudara sebagai kaum minoritas? 
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  1. a. Hal-hal apa yang akan dialami pemazmur seumur hidupnya dalam sepanjang masa? (ayat 6)
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    b. Jelaskan maknanya! (Lihat NIV note)
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    NIV Note  
    6 The “goodness” (GK H3202) of God is demonstrated in his abundant care and promises, evidence of his blessing. The “love” (GK H2876) of God is his covenantal commitment to bless his people with his promises. Instead of being pursued by enemies who seek his destructio, God’s “goodness and love” follow the psalmist. He need not fear, becouse God’s loving care follows hin throughout life. The psalmist’s experience of God “goodness and love” is equivalent to dwelling “in the house of LORD,” a phrase that signifies abiding in the environs of salvation. The believer get a taste of everlasting fellowship with God.
  1. a. Sejauh mana saudara meyakini kebaikan, pemeliharaan, tuntunan dan perlindungan Tuhan? Sharingkan contoh-contoh kongkrit yang Saudara alami!
    b. Apakah Saudara telah mempercayakan segala aspek hidup Saudara kepada Tuhan, Sang Gembala? (dalam studi, pelayanan, keluarga, pekerjaan, dll.)
    c. Langkah-langkah kongkrit apa yang akan Saudara ambil agar semakin mempercayakan dan mengalami kebaikan, pemeliharaan, tuntunan, dan perlindungan Tuhan dalam hidup saudara? Sharingkan!
        “All the glory must be to the Lord”

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Perlu diingat ini hanyalah bahan PA dari teman-teman sepelayanan ku di PMK Jatinangor , dan ini bukan bermaksud menjadi suatu taurat, yang pasti benar, tapi bahan PA ini bermaksud membantu teman-teman untuk menggali Alkitab, Firman ALLAH yang tertulis. Jadi jikalau ada kekurangan, maka teman-teman bisa menjadi lebih peka dan bisa berpegangan langsung pada apa yang tertulis di Alkitab.

Demikian juga dengan kisi-kisi dari bahan PA ini, tidaklah sempurna. Teman-teman bisa langsung berpegan kepada Alkitab dan apa yang dikatakan Roh Kudus ketika teman-teman menggali Alkitab.

Semoga ini bisa kembali mengingatkan kita akan "kebiasaan baik" untuk menggali Alkitab. seperti aku sendiri yang telah lama meninggalkan "kebiasaan baik" ini.

Jabat erat,

Sonny Aries Gumalak Sitorus

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